DOCUMENTS SUN CONTRACTING REGISTERED SHARES 2023 -Securities Prospectus for the public offer of Sun Contracting Registered Shares 2023SECURITIES PROSPECTUSdated 26.04.2023 FIRST SUPPLEMENTdated 12.06.2023 SECOND SUPPLEMENTdated 21.02.2024 Translations First SupplementESTONIAN TRANSLATIONEstonian translation of the summary of the securities prospectus SPANISH TRANSLATIONSpanish translation of the summary of the securities prospectus FRENCH TRANSLATIONFrench translation of the summary of the securities prospectus ITALIAN TRANSLATIONItalian translation of the summary of the securities prospectus SLOVENIAN TRANSLATIONSlovenian translation of the summary of the securities prospectus SLOVAK TRANSLATIONSlovak translation of the summary of the securities prospectus Translations Second SupplementESTONIAN TRANSLATIONEstonian translation of the summary of the securities prospectus SPANISH TRANSLATIONSpanish translation of the summary of the securities prospectus FRENCH TRANSLATIONFrench translation of the summary of the securities prospectus ITALIAN TRANSLATIONItalian translation of the summary of the securities prospectus SLOVENIAN TRANSLATIONSlovenian translation of the summary of the securities prospectus SLOVAK TRANSLATIONSlovak translation of the summary of the securities prospectus