SUN CONTRACTING Bearer Bond 2020 Prospectus for the public offer of Sun Contracting Bearer Bond 2020 PROSPECTUSdated 23.10.2020 1. SUPPLEMENTdated 20.10.2021 Translations of the Summary of the Prospectus DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENFASSUNGGerman translation of the summary of the prospectus Shrnutí prospektuCzech translation of the summary of the prospectus ÖSSZEFOGLALÓHungarian translation of the summary of the prospectus Резюме на проспектаBulgarian translation of the summary of the prospectus NOTA DI SINTESI DEL PROSPETTOItalian translation of the summary of the prospectus SÚHRN PROSPEKTUSlovakian translation of the summary of the prospectus Sažetak prospektaCroatian translation of the summary of the prospectus Povzetek prospektaSlovanian translation of the summary of the prospectus Podsumowanie prospektuPolish translation of the summary of the prospectus Rezumatul prospectuluiRomanian translation of the summary of the prospectus